Hitler’s Theologians: The Genesis of Genocide

“The question of the complicity of the church in the murder of the Jews is a living one.” (Abraham Foxman, Anti-Defamation League)  Was Hitler a Christian? Most Christians agree: Adolf Hitler was not a follower of Jesus. Afterall, did not Jesus say: “All who take up the sword will perish by the sword” Matthew 26:52). … Read more

Things you didn’t know about Polish-Jewish history!

Poles and Jews have shared over a thousand years of history. Poland was one of the most tolerant countries on Earth! That’s why people called Poland a “paradise for Jews”. (…) On September 1, 1939, Poland was attacked by Nazi Germany and on September 17 of that same year, it was attacked by Communist Russia… Nazi Germany began the liquidation of the Jewish people in occupied Poland. Despite the fact that Poland was the only country in which the death penalty for helping Jews was imposed by the Germans, it was here that ŻEGOTA, the only secret organization in the world aiding Jews, was created by the Polish underground state. Poles saved more Jews than any other nation in the world. We saved between 100-150 thousand Jews. Furthermore, 1 million Poles were involved in helping Jews. Among those who have been awarded the medal “Righteous Among the Nations”, Poles are the most numerous.

The Great Jewish Leader

Most Jewish people have misconceptions about Jesus. But see their incredible reactions as they read about “a great Jewish leader,” and then find out that they were reading from the Gospels!

Who Are We Jews?

Perhaps like many other men and women in Poland, you’ve only recently discovered that you’re heritage is Jewish.  And perhaps, quite naturally, you’re asking yourself, “If I’m Jewish, what does that mean?_ Who are we Jews?  Well, let’s begin with some basic definitions. Because we Jews have lived in so many lands and have contributed … Read more